Welcome to Hunsley Acoustic Music, Midsummer Music Madness and Rugby Tackling Teenage Cancer
Support MsMM
We would really love to hear from you if you are able to support the aims of MsMM or RTTC in any way.
Our 'wish list' is growing daily but quite often a little help goes a long way.
Please visit our contact us page for information about how you can reach us.
A huge thank you to our fantastic supporters!
There is simply not enough space on the web to thanks all those wonderful helpers, musicians and businesses who have helped us out since we started out in the back garden in 2002. However, we will try our best and here are a few....
BP have been a wonderful supporter of Madness since we started in the garden with a generous donation to add to the funds we raise. Generosity on a grand scale!
Brantingham Park first came to our rescue in 2003 when a 'killjoy' got our second garden Madness banned. Since then they have been fantastic supporters and have helped make our giant marquee a reality!
Hull College have been doing a fantastic job behind the scenes and are responsible for our flyers, small banners that help get us noticed....and probably a lot more besides!
Hull FC have been wonderful in getting right behind 'Madness' and helping to extend the concept through Rugby Tackling Teenage Cancer. They have helped us with a 12 foot ad board at home rugby matches and are helping promote RTTC to other clubs.
ARCO don't only put up that fine coloured light display on the A63 at Christmas time (all year round PLEASE!). They also support 'Madness' and have helped us produce banners to advertise our very worthy course!
When you get off the train at Bridlington look up to see our fantastic RTTC banner advertising our web site. And while you are there sample a light bite or perhaps a real ale in the Station Buffet where our 'man' keeps a keen eye on our banner!
At Skipton Building Society, we like to take an active part in our local community. Our strapline is ‘mutual matters’ and, as well as saying that we're a mutual, this means that we have things in common with our customers – we have mutual matters between us and we care about what matters to them. A big part of this means we are proud to support the communities in which we are based; this is a fundamental part of what we do as a building society. Sometimes this takes the form of financial sponsorship and other times by non-financial support including fundraising for national and local charities and staff volunteering. - And thanks to the Skipton for sponsoring MsMM 2007!