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Welcome to Hunsley Acoustic Music, Midsummer Music Madness and Rugby Tackling Teenage Cancer

Abseil from the Tyne Bridge for TCT

Sheila and David Brazier were instrumental in setting up a fresh challenge for people to help raise funds for TCT - It was pure 'Madness' but what do you expect?

On 23rd September 2007 the Royal Marines hosted a sponsored abseil off the Tyne Bridge in Newcastle Upon Tyne. It was a free fall decent.

The Money raised went to the Teenage Cancer Trust.  This is the only charity specifically dedicated to building and equipping Units for young people suffering from cancer, Hodgkin’s disease, leukaemia and related problems.

On Sunday I successfully abseiled off the Tyne Bridge in Newcastle, as it was for charity I was pleased that I managed to complete the task despite my nerves.

The report below is by Toni Hadfield - (her experiance of the day)

The worse part for me was looking over the top and seeing how high it was, then climbing over the rails and clinging onto the ledge before letting go. Luckily I managed to keep my breakfast down and once I’d let go I really enjoyed it. Freefalling down the rope was really exhilarating and not as scary as the first part but it was great to be back on the ground.  

It is the first time that I have ever abseiled. I really enjoyed it and would definitely do it again – I know I must be mad!

I would like to take this opportunity to thank you all for sponsoring me.

Once collected I will have raised nearly £400 for teenagers who are suffering from cancer so the abseil was definitely worthwhile.

Thanks for your support


Well done Toni!!!


The Tyne Bridge - Newcastle Upon Tyne

The Tyene Bridge - Newcastle

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